Monday, July 23, 2012

Sketchfab model

I'm playing around with webgl technologies and I found Sketchfab.
Its viewport management is really fluid and amazing, so I tried to stress it with an heavy model like this gate I made for an animation:

It's easy to use and they've developed exporters for Blender, Max, Sketchup, and support lot of formats for upload. Pietro

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Chrome Issue: read local files

Ok guys,
I'm working on my own WebGL project (using Three.js) and I've got a problem:
  • if you open a webgl page on a website with chrome it works
  • if you open the same page on a local directory it doesn't works
  • the console message is this:
Ok this is caused by bigG's security policy, and we should be happy for this... so nobody can access our local files from a script. But what if I need to do it?
  1. You can run chrome with these options: --allow-file-access-from-files
    • Ok, but you have to make a different executable for it, set it as standard application for HTML files (but forgive your security...) or open manually your page (ok, works but... you need to be quick and simple in testing your scripts). 
  2. A more professional solution: run a webserver on you machine and test the javascript application through loopback interface
    • Nice! But... I'm not a webmaster or sysadmin. I'm already learning Javascript please I need to focus on ONE thing... 
  3. A simple and professional solution: use an IDE
    •  Yeah! Once you set-up your "run" targets it works very very good. Simple, fast and solid.
What you said? IDEs aren't fast?
Yes, you're right!
There's nothing faster than an "notepad" or "gedit" or a really hardcore "vi".

But when you've got to manage more than 3 files linked, IDE saves lot of time if is well configured.
I've been using Eclipse working on a big Android projects and it worked quite good but... with .js files is really slow.
So, two days ago it has hanged three times in a morning: now I'm using Aptana and it's really really faster. I suggest it to everyone for Javascript developing.

Ok, I just wanted to share my experience because I've found lot of people on internet asking for the same problem.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

3D Recruitment in Germania

Ciao a tutti i 3D Artist italiani!
Dal momento che sono a Berlino ormai da due mesi ho accumulato un po' di indirizzi utili per chi vuole provare a cercare lavoro qui e più in generale nella grande Germania :)
Tenete presente che è fondamentale per tutte una conoscenza eccellente dell'inglese ed è più che consigliata una buona padronanza del tedesco, soprattutto fuori Berlino, dove peraltro c'è MOLTO più lavoro per un 3D Artist... qui nella capitale vanno fortissimo i programmatori e più in generale i mestieri legati allo sviluppo web.

Ad ogni modo, ecco la lista (che continuerò ad aggiornare):
Qui invece due risorse sull'apprendimento linguistico DIY:
  • Android App - Busuu - Eccellenti e davvero ben fatte, disponibili per più lingue. Di base sono gratuite, consiglio caldamente di acquistare gli extra (costano poco e si prendono poco per volta) e di seguire regolarmente gli esercizi.
  • Android App - Babbel - Vertono principalmente sui vocaboli. Anche queste ben fatte, un po' più limitate di Busuu ma eccellenti per acquisire tanti vocaboli in poco tempo. Le consiglio dopo aver preso confidenza con la struttura linguistica e i suoni.
  • Michel Thomas Language Courses (solo a pagamento): sono un po' costosi ma vi daranno l'input migliore. Io li sto usando tutt'ora per l'Arabo e sono semplicemente stupefacenti.
Preciso che non sono un genio e ho imparato il tedesco in circa otto mesi di esercizi intensi, prima di partire. Chiaramente una volta arrivati qui è necessario ambientarsi prima di parlare tranquillamente ma la base è: STUDIATELO PRIMA.

Buona fortuna col lavoro!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hi there,
I've uploaded another free material on BlendSwap:

This is the same stone I've used in my last project (see below). It uses two different UV channels for diffuse and displacement, just open blend file and you'll see it.

In order to reset all UVs in the displacement channel, I used this useful command via python console:
  • bpy.ops.uv.reset()
Just select all polys and type this to get all vertices disposed in your UV/editor.

This is a render preview:

I hope you'll find this useful and interesting as it is for me!
Textures are packed with blend file.


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Material: Aluminium Hedar

I've just uploaded my first material on BlendSwap:
You can download it and use for your works. Textures are made by me and realeased under CC.

this is the reference:

It's done in Blender 2.63, for Cycles and uses displacement in order to achieve best result.
Of course, you MUST unwrap your model to manage textures.

Post here you're works if you wish! I'm curious about your feedback!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A little work

Very very small work, but it's summer and customers are waiting for September in order to start with projects...
Anyway, I consider this a remarkable work because it has been done entirely in Blender 2.6!
I used QCad (3.0rc5) and AutocadWG (on chrome) to prepare DWG files, Blender to match the camera and model, and Cycles for rendering stage.
Postproduction and photoreplacement with Photoshop.


I wish to post some screencast in order to show you my workflow with architectural projects.
First, I import DXF files with plants, sections, ... already cleaned and lighter than architect's version. I put them in the right position and begin to model over the reference.
As everyone usually teach, you have to study a little before: take your time to study the project and to identify symmetries, similar volumes, and all those elements that you can represent as instanced objects. This will save lot of time after.

During modelling stage I begin to separate objects with different materials, assigning materials with diffuse similar to the final shade. This is useful for shading stage.
Once I've modeled almost everything, I start to texture models that need this work. For example, as you can see in the image I've modeled all that 'columns' as single objects but during the shading process I decided to slice them.

Here I got a big object subdivided into lot of 'bricks'. I choose to do this beacuse of the material's feature and because in this way I was able to use my script very easly.

A few word about bushes and green stuffes: I've imported some models and I've used particle systems in order to get them scattered on surfaces.
I MUST thanks this guy: Agus3D on BlenderArtist beacuse he found and shared a usefull technique to manage tons of polys.
Have a look to this wonderful thread: 

I want to share my shaders and textures with little tutorials about "how I did it". Please be patient, it requires time :-)

Greetings from Berlin,