Thursday, August 2, 2012

Upside down - Escher tribute on Sketchfab

I've just terminated my last personal work. It's a simple architectural model inspired by Escher operas: an house made by mixed walls and railings, where you can't find a direction or a reference.
As my first Sketchfab experiment, I would make something planned to be explored and watched from different point of views. I think that the power of realtime visualization is that you are not locked to a single point of view or an animation timeline: you can create indeed your own story and everyone can get his own personal experience from the model viewing.
I tried some framework for webgl developing (three.js, p3d, osgjs, ...) but I found Sketchfab very comfortable and easy to use.

The model is done entirely in Blender 2.6x by me except for men, that are MIT_Stickman from Michiel Tieleman, a very nice and skilled Blenderartist's user.
Shadows and Ambient Occlusion are baked into textures, while lights are loaded directly from Blender: the very cool feature of Sketchfab is that they provide you Sketchup, 3DStudioMax and Blender free exporter and you're able to load your scenes from the software.
Another very cool thing is that you can also load .blend files with packed textures and it will be ready to go in a few seconds, depending on file size (mine was about 6Mb and tooked a minute from file picking to scene live exploring on the website).

Here's more render of my work:



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